Windmill from the village of Chamzinka

Short description
The windmill from the village of Chamzinka (Chamzinka district, Republic of Mordovia) is located on a historical site. The time of construction is unknown. Smock mill with four sails and unknown number of millstones. Log construction. Was used as a flour mill (flour).

ConditionThe windmill is conserved
StatusUsed by a non-museum organization
MechanismState unknown
Information about the mill was checked on 06.03.2016.

Additional description
To be honest, we do not even know if it's a mill or not. The remains of the tailpole, the four-footed base and a distinctive cap support the version that this is a historical mill. However, what kind of windmill it is, when it was built, whether it has been transported or has always been here, we do not know.

At the moment inside the mill there is a cafe «Melnitsa» (Mill), perfectly visible to the right of the road on the way from Saransk to Chamzinka.