Windmill from the village of Kazilovka

Short description
The shattered windmill from the village of Kazilovka (Pogarsky district, Bryansk region) was built around the end of the 19th century, was located on a historical site. Smock mill with four sails and unknown number of millstones. Sheathed Frame. Was used as a flour mill (flour).

ConditionThe windmill is destroyed, the monument doesn't exist anymore
MechanismCompletely destroyed

Additional description
The main story about this mill is here.

Externally as for the architecture, it’s a sheathed frame that starts from the ground. The mill is similar to Belarus mills, which is not strange, and to the mill in Arkaim, Chelyabinsk region, which is strange. Probably millstones were on the first floor like in the windmill from Vishnevyi village.

No magic happened. Windmill was demolished in 2017. Photo of the place where the windmill was is 24th here.