Windmill from the village of Kryukovo

Short description
The shattered windmill from the village of Kryukovo (Gus-Khrustalny district, Vladimir region) was built around the 19th century, was located on a historical site. Smock mill with four sails and two pairs of millstones. Log construction. Was used as a flour mill (flour).

ConditionThe windmill is destroyed, the monument doesn't exist anymore
MechanismCompletely destroyed

News about the windmill (in Russian)
2007: мельницу сожгли

Additional description
It's hard to get to Kryukovo. Driving off road from the nearby village in the winter of 2016 we were guessing if we were going to get stuck or not. When we got there eventually we were very surprised to find no mill at all. One of the locals said that it had burned down two or three years before. Well, that's it. It was a Volga smock, by the way. The picture is here.