Windmill from the village of Ladoschino (museum «Vitoslavlitsy»)
Short descriptionThe windmill from the village of Ladoshchino (Shimsky district, Novgorod region) was built around 1920-s, was transported to the museum of wooden architecture "Vitoslavlitsy" (Novgorod region) in 1971. Smock mill with automatic sack hoist, four sails and one pair of millstones. Shingled Log construction. Unique details: wallower is a conical spur wheel. Was used as a flour mill (flour).
Condition | Under restoration |
News about the windmill (in Russian)
Витослалицы ждёт большая реконструкция. Во время неё мельница будет функционально восстановлена:
Восстановление 2018:
Additional description
We can add the following: one out of three windmills whose architecture was influenced by Estonian windmills. The other two are: the mill from the village of Zaval which is not far from Vitoslavlitsy and the mill from the village of Tolvuya in Kizhi museum (Karelia). These three windmills are the only windmills which are shingled, have specific round shaped cap and have a spur wheel as a wallower (instead of cage gear in other windmills). The mill is practically the twin brother of the mill from the village of Zaval (only log instead of frame): windshaft is inclined thus wallower is conical. There is an automatic sack hoist.
According to some recollections, the project of the mill from Ladoschino before the restoration had no shingles and had six sails, instead of four. However, the historical truth is not exactly clear.
A few words about the district: in 1973 Shimsky district separated from Soletsky district, and this where the village Ladoshchino now have to be looked for.
The windmill from Ladoschino was a basis for a new replica in Sakha-Yakutia republic Sottinci museum, photos are here (in the middle). Unfortunately those windmill doesn't exist anymore.